I’m not going to get in to too much detail with this entry (because then you would be reading for hours and hours) but I will just briefly describe what each one entails and how I approach the particular area of training. I’ve broken up these items in to 5 areas. While not subject to the same specific risks of Taolu training. Krautkramer Usm 25 Operating Manual here. For Taolu, this addresses the basic strength. Physical Fitness and Conditioning in Wushu. The essential training I would provide to help them not just improve quickly, but improve in such a way that they can build progressively on what they do in each training session. Recently I put together a list of the things I would do were I to take on a new student from scratch. As a coach you want to help students develop in a way that promotes a long-term relationship with wushu, avoids injuries and builds a strong foundation for future training efforts. I think of this both in terms of my current development, but also in terms of when I’m coaching students. Looking back at my history with wushu I often find myself thinking about what I might have done differently if I knew then what I know now.